
Sugarhouse Workshop is a space for the creative work of Jessica Lewis Stevens

Bespoke quilts, traditional sourdough breads, writings on motherhood and hand-making, natural dyes, autumn pies. Homesewn clothes, gathered herbs, three small boys, warm cookies, mended knees, garden peas. 

In my shop you will find quilts made from organic linen and cotton dyed with natural colors, buntings, swaddles, and other small things; hand-bound recipe books filled with notes and treats from my home kitchen; story boxes filled with stories, ideas, and crafts that celebrate the joy of each season.

In my archive, photos of quilts and colors I’ve made with heart and by hand.

Find my Substack newsletter called Warmly right here.

To learn more about natural dyes, quilting, sourdough baking, and plenty more, look for upcoming workshops or visit some of my simple tutorials.

For pie, just wander right over here.





Essays, recipes, & Interviews Elsewhere

Jessica is a regular contributor to Taproot, where you can find more of her recipes, essays, patterns, and photos.

a small selection of other interviews and features to enjoy:

Jessica Lewis Stevens: A Free-Range Life // Quiltfolk, issue 10: Vermont

Digging Deeper with Jessica Lewis Stevens // Taproot blog

Episode 79 // Making (formerly Woolful) Podcast

Summer Color // State 14


About Jessica

Living in southern Vermont, I spend my days quilting, baking, growing, and gathering with my children. For peeks of my quilts-in-progress, kitchen stories, projects, and life at home, follow me on instagram at @sugarhouseworkshop.



Sugarhouse Workshop illustrations and logos by Emily Halbardier